I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

“I’ve been trying to avoid carbs,” he said with a surprised look on his face,
half asking if that’s what he should be doing.

I get it. It’s so confusing. All of these diets and nutrition information are
out there and they all say they are healthy.


This is a story, I think we all can relate to. We've all tried to jump on the
wrong train at some point.

Sometimes we are misguided,

but other times we are frustrated or in a panic.

We just want to get control, but usually we try to get control by piecing

information together and then we deal with years of 'suffering' and being



But what is it worth? If you could go back and 'fix' your problem 5, 10, 15 years

How would that change your life today?

And are you going to let

stubbornness (I more guilty of this than anyone so I can say this!)

get in the way of changing your future?

What is it worth?

Read More: 
       Failing at Weight Loss? Here is How to Succeed

           Have You Lost Control? Take it Back With These Steps

           What Type of Achiever Are You; How to Be Happy Today

           What the ‘Experts’ Don’t Tell You About Diets; Three Tips for Setting Yourself Up For Success

Find Nichole Carlson:

Do we always practice what we teach?


But do we ALWAYS?

Of course not! Why?

We get busy.

We forget how effective it is.

But mostly....

We used to, and we improved whatever we were trying to improve... and then.....we stopped.


I'm sitting here holding my breath because yesterday I was coaching someone on how to
manage her energy, which reminded ME to manage MY energy.

Here's what managing your energy means.....

Managing your energy means keeping your energy at a level that helps you do your
work or accomplish an activity.

(YAY! That sounds good!)

If your energy gets low, this usually has a negative impact on your mood and your thoughts.

In other words......
we are more easily agitated, annoyed, worried, upset, depressed, stressed... 

(whatever is a common negative emotion for us).

We all want to be happy. Everything we do, we evaluate if it's going to make us happy, right?

----------- SO ------------

Do you ever notice your energy levels falling? For example, it feels like you are watching the
battery on your phone die at a crucial time.

If you DO notice your energy getting low, it's a great time to hold your breath:
Take a deep breathe, hold it for a bit (you can count to 10 if you want), let it out slowly and then repeat.

This will start to give you energy back after doing this for a couple of minutes.

Your energy, mood and thoughts are all connected so if you want to be in a better mood...
check your energy AND check your thoughts.  ;-)

I'm going to go over on ways you can manage your energy right now, and that should help
the other two. You already know to get sleep so I'm leaving that one out!

1. Deep breathing. You could do some box breathing*(see bottom of email), deep breathing,
meditation breathing (meditations usually have you focus on your breathe).

Whatever breathing technique you do, deep breathing will get oxygen circulating through
your body and carry energy with it. It's best to do this before your energy crashes(no one wants to crash),
but it will help whenever you do it.

2. Pose! Stand up with your chest out, shoulders back, and hands on your hips. 

If you've watched the Ted talk on power poses*(see bottom of post), this should sound familiar.

Don't forget to smile! (Yes, especially if you don't feel like it.)

Besides giving you energy it has also proven to boost your confidence, increase your
testosterone and lower your cortisol.

For me, I notice: 

It makes me move.

It makes me wake up my muscles.

It makes me do some stretching.

It makes me breathe deeper.

What do you notice?

3. Walk or move. Get up and do some walking around. 

Have you ever noticed, moving around makes your mind shift?

Have you ever been working at a desk stuck on a problem so you leave
to do something else and then you figure out the answer to the problem
you were stuck on? 

Movement creates momentum. 
Movement gives you the space you need to think.

Movement gives creativity a way in.

After you notice your energy or mood is low, using one or all three of these will help bring your energy back.

What's the key to all of this?


(I just gave you the answer. I probably shouldn't be a teacher.)

But yes, if you don't notice this is happening, you can't fix it.

So the next time you feel a little snappy, tired, sad, depressed.... any negative emotion...

  • Breathe,
  • Stand, and
  • Move
There is always that point where you just need to get more sleep though.

You knew that already though. ;-)

Much love, energy and happiness,

*Box breathing is a simple concentration exercise that also retrains your nervous system to breathe properly.
Along with calming the nerves and relieving stress, box breathing can have enormous carryover to your physical training.

*Ted Talk video on Power poses

Read More: 
       Failing at Weight Loss? Here is How to Succeed

           Have You Lost Control? Take it Back With These Steps

           What Type of Achiever Are You; How to Be Happy Today

           What the ‘Experts’ Don’t Tell You About Diets; Three Tips for Setting Yourself Up For Success


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