I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

How To Deal With BAD Clients

Do you ever feel like people don’t respect you or don’t value the work that you do?
Do you ever feel like you work so hard and give a lot for FREE? 

Click the image for the video.

And people still seem to walk all over you?
Don’t respect what you do?
Or just don’t value you and you feel that impacts your self-worth?

I want to discuss a little story that happened to me yesterday.
I got a text from my client who I billed.
He said, that he didn’t think the charges I charged him were reasonable.

And for the time that I put in, he was going to pay me about $15 an hour.
We would call it even and no hard feelings. I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t valuing my services. He was getting results, amazing results!
I just don’t know why he wasn’t valuing my services.

I could take the money and keep working with him.
Or I can value myself and tell him, that I’m not going to work with him anymore.
Of course! I need to, for my own self-worth.

Me, valuing myself and the work that I do, I need to let him go.
I need to apologize that he doesn’t value my work.
He doesn’t value what I do.

I’m going to have to work with someone else that does value what I do.
And does see the value and the results that they get.
It comes down to self-respect and self-worth.

If you are not valuing yourself and taking clients that don’t value you.
Then, it’s going to reflect inside of you. 
And inside of your self-worth.

So, take a look now. See if your client sees the value that you do, to the level that you 
feel you should be valued. And see where you are with that.

Maybe you need to find somebody else to work with.
Find some new clients.
Stand up!

You will feel that inside.
You will feel a little scary to let a client go.
But the payoff for your own self-worth would be so worth it!

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