I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Avoiding Carbs is Not Good For You

“I’ve been trying to avoid carbs,” he said with a surprised look on his face,
half asking if that’s what he should be doing.

I get it. It’s so confusing. All of these diets and nutrition information are
out there and they all say they are healthy.


This is a story, I think we all can relate to. We've all tried to jump on the
wrong train at some point.

Sometimes we are misguided,

but other times we are frustrated or in a panic.

We just want to get control, but usually we try to get control by piecing

information together and then we deal with years of 'suffering' and being



But what is it worth? If you could go back and 'fix' your problem 5, 10, 15 years

How would that change your life today?

And are you going to let

stubbornness (I more guilty of this than anyone so I can say this!)

get in the way of changing your future?

What is it worth?

Read More: 
       Failing at Weight Loss? Here is How to Succeed

           Have You Lost Control? Take it Back With These Steps

           What Type of Achiever Are You; How to Be Happy Today

           What the ‘Experts’ Don’t Tell You About Diets; Three Tips for Setting Yourself Up For Success

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