I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Emotional Eating: How Do We Deal With Stress?

Q&A Day 

Today I have a question from a woman who want to know how to deal with her stress eating. 

She writes:

Hi Nichole, I used to eat so healthy and then over the past 3 years, I started eating unhealthy. It was a very stressful time. 

Now my cells only want the junk. 

I do work out at least 3 days a week. 

But how do I transform my cells to only want healthy food again? Any advice would be appreciated. 

Thank you.

[My answer]

Thank you for messaging me. It sounds like you are really ready for a change. 

This is such a huge question that I believe we all struggle with.

From what you've explained, your eating has a lot to do with your stress. 

It's natural for us to use food as a remedy when we don't feel good, because that's actually what it's for! If you are tired, the nutrients give you energy. 

If you are stressed, it gives you a sense of comfort because you KNOW it will bring you pleasure if you eat your favorite foods.

This is where it gets a bit tricky and takes a bit of time. 

Your feelings will tell you everything your body needs, but no one ever teaches us this! 

People call it emotional eating, but it's closer to emotionless eating.  

We stop listening to our emotions because we are busy and so we think our cells need junk, but this isn't true.

If you keep track of the emotions you are going through, your emotions will tell you what your body needs. 

Then start matching those needs up with healthy foods (because it probably needs the energy or nutrients) OR habits. People overlook so many great things we can do to respond to our bodies needs because we are busy trying to be overachievers (I am guilty of this too). This includes things like taking time off, meditation, having fun, going for a walk in the woods… 

The more you listen to your emotions and start providing what it needs, the less you'll be going for the unhealthy foods.

(This is where coaching can be really helpful. This takes time and patience to understand matching your emotions because everyone has a different situation.)

Other quick tips:

  1. Decide to be done. Once you decide you are DONE with this problem and you are ready to do anything to move on in your life, your whole body will align with that.
  2. Switch things out. There are so many great healthy foods and recipes that it's easy to switch out similar foods for the ones you want to stop eating.
  3. Forgive your mistakes. If you've really decided you are sick of this problem and you are done, and you slip up at some point, just move on. Don't find a reason to get upset about it.

All that being said, this is your life and it's so important you are happy and healthy. Do whatever you need to do to make that happen. I am here for you and to answer any questions you have.


What questions do you have? Feel free to message me or respond in the comments.

Much love,

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