I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Happiness: How To Be Happy When You Are Stressed

I was driving to work and thinking about how busy I was and behind I was.

I thought 'Today will be miserable.'

I stopped myself.

No! I'm going to decide that it won't be miserable.

It's going to be great. 

I started asking myself, "How can I make it better?"

Our thoughts guide our mind, body and emotions.

If we change our thoughts we could change our mind and emotions.

In improv class we played a game called 'New Choice.' I was making a new choice to find the good in the day. 

1. It was a matter of thinking I wasn't that busy. 

2. I started thinking of what I really had to get done and not about trying to do everything. 

3. I started thinking of ways to make my work a bit easier and found a great way. 

4. I decided to stop putting so much pressure on myself. 

These are the four thoughts that changed my entire day. 

I almost LOST another day of my life to frustration. 

Close one!

Much love, energy and happiness,

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