I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Happiness: If someone told ME that I couldn't ....

If someone told ME that I couldn't ....

I have been an emotional 'mess' the last couple of days. Recently, I have been really trying to focus on what makes me happy and what sets me off into anger, frustration, anxiety and general unhappiness. 

I've been working to replace all of my negative feelings by figuring out what 'causes' them and working to change that.

I want to be happier. 

I not saying I'm 'unhappy' but I could definitely be a lot happier. 

I know we choose our emotions, but it's difficult to digest that. 

It does sometimes feel like emotions 'happen' to us.

-Someone cuts us off on our way home from work
-We fight with our partner over the same stupid issues
-The ice machine on the freezer spews out ice EVERY time all over the floor

Getting annoyed is an easy choice. Taking responsibility for our emotions is not an easy choice,

Wouldn't it be better NOT to feel annoyed? 

Life will continue to interfere in your well-thought out plans. You could fix some of them, but there will always be something that could annoy you (me).

I've realized there are (usually stupid) little things that just frustrate me and then there are my thoughts that come into play. I'm starting to step away from the stupid little things. I'm realizing what kinds of things 'set me off' and stepping back.

It's the thoughts that seem to be hard to get away from.

Here is something I hear myself say that keep me from being happier or more positive....

I can't.... OMG. If someone told ME that I couldn't do something, I would show them! But then I say it, and that makes it ok? NO! I'm taking away that right from myself. I'm not going to tell myself I can't. Yes, there are things I can't do, but I'm not talking about those things. I'm talking about these reasons or excuses for not doing something I want to do. If I hear myself say 'I can't' I'm going to replace it with, 'How could I do..?' until it becomes a habit. I don't want to live thinking about what I can't do. 

There are a few things I don't want to ever say again: 

    1. I can't... 

    2. I don't know how...

    3. I'm trying... 

    4. I should...

Instead, I will focus on...

    1. What CAN I do?

    2. How CAN I figure it out?

    3. How can I make it easier or more enjoyable so it FEELS easier?

    4. I will. 

If I'm not doing it, it's not a priority. My emotions are my priority. I want to be happy and I'm tired of wasting my life being unhappy. 

Who's with me? 


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