I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Time Management: How Do I Get More Time

What's more important than your time?

Is there anything?

If you think about your time, where does it go?

Is it that you don't have enough time?

Or that you don't know how to manage it?

I believe we have lots of time, but we waste so much of it.

How much time have you wasted with the thought, 'I just can't wait for this day to be over.'?

Why? Because we are waiting for a time when we can feel better or feel better about the situation.


You want to feel better? But you are WAITING to feel better? Yes. I am guilty too. We are using our time waiting until we feel better.

Funny thing is, we are in control of our own feelings.

We are told that we are but it doesn't really feel like we are.

How can we get control of our feelings and feel better now?

Here are a few things we can do to feel better.

1.To be happy, slow down.

I know. You can't. I'm busy too, but isn't your time and essentially, your life, important enough to do something to make yourself happy?

But shut off the technology and take a few minutes to take some deep breaths. I think our parents were told to count to 10. 

You can do some meditation or just imagine everything in slow motion. When I'm driving to work, I love to shut off the music and just look at the hills and trees around me and imagine everything in slow motion. It really is very peaceful. 

2. To be happy, focus on who or what you are grateful for. 

Basically, think happy thoughts. If I just annoyed you, I don't blame you. The last thing you want is to someone to tell you to smile when you are upset. 


Let's do this. At least try it for a week. First thing in the morning, write down things you are grateful for. Spend a few minutes really focusing on who loves you, or who believes in you. Think about what advantages you have, or resources you have to be able to get closer to your goals. Write down whatever comes to your mind. The more time you spend doing this, the more your mind will start to focus on good, happy things. It's just like working out. 

3. Listen to happy music or comedy.  

I have Pandora and I set up two stations to help pull me up. One is a stand up comedy station and the other is literally called Happy Radio. 

Sometimes you feel like you have the right to be mad, upset, frustrated.... I get it. But you also have the right to be happy. Give yourself that right. 

You knew that already though. ;-)

Much love, energy and happiness,

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