I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

How to Get What You Want Most: But You Must Give Up Your Free Pass

I had seen this lady at the gym before. She was also working with a trainer at the same time I was working with my trainer so we finished our sessions at the same time. 

"Look at her body." she said to her trainer about me. 

Her trainer said, "It's all diet."

Her eyes were glossed over. 

We walked out a few minutes later and she continued. "How long did it take to get that body?"

Stupid me didn't really think about what she really wanted and just told her I'd been lifting for 15 years. 

"Do you have any babies?" she asked me. 


"Then you get to keep your body." she looked down and walked to her car. 

Right after I left, I replayed the scene in my head and realized I messed up because I didn't think about what she wanted. 

I could see she wanted to improve her body and instead of asking me what she could do, she tried to figure out what was different between us. 

But don't we all do that? Haven't we all told ourselves we don't have something or can't do something and gave some kind of reason or story to back it up. 

I know I've been guilty of it. It feels easier sometimes but it keeps me from my dreams. 

She had kids. I didn't. That was a fact, but that's not keeping her from getting the body she wants. 

She was looking for a reason she didn't have my body. 

She needed an excuse. She wanted to give up before she got let down.

But why does this upset me? Because she's not far off. She could totally have it - if she believed and asked. 

And if she wants it, I want it for her! 

See, in a lot of cases, we give up too easily because we've gotten our hopes up and we've been let down. 

It's just easier not to believe. If we can find a reason we can't do something, we can justify it to ourselves and then we'll feel okay about it.

But will we? 

Will we really feel okay we gave up so easily? That we didn't go after our dream when it was so close?

If you want a free pass for why you can't do something or have something, fine. Don't go after it. 

But don't tell yourself you can't do something because... [fill in with some fact here]

And definitely, don't tell me you can't do something. Tell me it's not what you want. Tell me it's not a priority. Tell me you have higher priorities you are working on. But don't tell me your reason. Don't tell me you can't. 

I believe in you. I believe if you wanted something, you would find a way and find the resources you needed. 

It's tough. Yes. 

Your life, your dreams, your vitality is worth it. If you let these things go, your hope dies at some point. 

I believe there is a way. Many people have done whatever you are trying to do in worse circumstances and with fewer resources. 

Want it.

Believe in it.

Don't let go.

Much love, energy and happiness,

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