I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

What's Keeping You Stuck? 3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

Whatever you are trying to achieve, there are points where you just feel "stuck." 

You might be trying to lose weight, start your business, find a relationship or even find ways to make your life more balanced.

But we get in this "stuck" mode and we can't seem to move forward.

Sometimes we stay stuck for years.

How much time are we wasting with the same problem, year after year?

Being stuck is really a mental thing.

We aren't really stuck. (You can move, right?)

Usually we just need to know what to do.

"We've tried everything," but nothing seems to work so we become stuck and discouraged.

1. Make a decision (a real decision) that you are DONE with this problem. 

Decide that you will solve it.

2. Make a list of all your options and resources you can use to solve this.

Write down things you've tried and haven't tried.

Yes, write down things you don't want to try because you can "do it yourself."

3. Research.

Research by asking for help from experts or other people who have overcome.

You aren't asking for opinions, you are asking for step-by-step plans.

So, if you DO really want this, tell yourself you are done with being stuck. Tell yourself you'll repeat the steps, make the decision, write out resources, and research the steps. 

The path is out there. You just haven't found it or decided to take it yet.

Much love, energy and happiness,

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