I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

The Secret to Drastically Improve at Anything

The other day I was talking to a tennis player I am coaching. He mentioned a few things that he had problems with during his last game and I told him to practice the fundamentals. 

If you want to improve, keep going back and repeating the basics.

He thought for a moment and said, "Oh yeah. I see all the really good players doing that all of the time."

Many times an athlete will want to learn the next thing, but improvement is built on learning and practicing the fundamentals. 

Do you want to get better? Go back to the basics. 

It's like that in music, dance, athletics, fitness, business and relationships.

I believe that success is the refinement sound basic principles that never change. When things seem to change, or even if they change, the basics and fundamentals often remain the same. 

A renowned tree cutter should never forget to take good care of his ax, because that is where his success stems from. Similarly, if the foundation is not built properly or if it isn't strong enough, the whole structure will be shaky and vulnerable to collapse. 

In every field of expertise, people who rush into learning new skills before perfecting on the basics often do not reach their maximum possible potential. Even if they do, they don't stay up for long, unless they practice on the fundamentals as regularly as possible. 

Humility and patience are two vital ingredients of success, and going back to practice the basics is a show of these both qualities. Most times we see successful people and admire them and their achievements. 

Sometimes we even get jealous of them thinking we can get to where they are fast. What most of us fail to realize is that most successful people have mastered the art of going back and practicing the fundamentals in their specific areas of expertise.

Do successful people stay away from practicing the basics and fundamentals sometimes in their lives? Of course, they do. It is the nature of human to choose the path of least resistance. 

Here are three reasons to constantly repeat the basics:

1. Success is built on success. And practicing the basics builds your confidence.

2. Fundamentals are the structure of every complex move.

3. Fundamentals TRAIN your mind and body. You've heard of muscle memory? Well, both your mind and body need training and repeating the basics is the best way to do train. 

But the fact remains that every time they do, they pay the price. But when they learn from their mistakes and find their way back to basics, they fly high like an eagle again. The best way to become successful in what you do is by perfecting on the simple things you first learned.  

Fundamentals are the first things you learn, and it is what makes you what you are. Even if you aren't so proud of yourself or your performance, if you develop the habit of practicing the fundamentals things might just get better sooner that you think. 

It will make you feel great again. Every time you get back to practicing the fundamentals, you get a chance to make yourself better in whatever it is that you want to prosper in. Tiger Woods has never stopped practicing his swings. Every day, he yearns to make it better. He would hire a new coach if that would help him perfect the basics.

So, whenever you feel like you are failing in what you love, just remember to go back and revisit where you started. Be patient with yourself. Never view practicing the basics as an act of lowliness. A true champion knows how to contain their ego. 

They know how to humble themselves because that is the way to building true success. With advancement and innovation, new ideas, skills, and practices come up in every field. Although these ideas reinforce these fields; they can take you off course, especially if you don't revisit the fundamentals. 

Much love, energy and happiness,

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