I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

3 Steps to Get Past Your Fears

Hey guys! Today is all about building up your confidence. And releasing your fears.

So I want to give you three things that you can do you when you feel like a fear is holding you back.

Click the image for the video.

The first thing is what are you afraid of? What exactly is that fear?
Are you afraid that you can't do it? Are you afraid that you're not enough?
Are you afraid that you're going to lose something? That's a huge fear for a lot of people.

So define the fear. And then, ask yourself why do you have that fear?
Is it because of something in your past? Is it because of something that you've
heard that people are running around saying beware! beware! About the news.

Is it something in the past? Something in the future?
Or something that other people are telling to be afraid of?
That's the second thing.

And the third thing is, challenge that fear. Is that really true?
If you were playing a devil's advocate, is that really true?
Keep asking yourself. And play the other side.

For instance, if you say, “well, I can't do that because I’m an introvert”.
That's kind of fear driven. And you need to ask yourself.
Can you do that because you're an introvert even though you're introverted?

I'm betting if you challenge yourself in these fears and then rephrase the fear like,
“oh well because I'm an introvert, I probably be better at it than a lot of other people because I would understand introverts”.

So to find a fear, describe why you have that fear. And then, challenge that fear.
And then, I guess the bonus, turn it around. Turn your fear around.

Make that fear actually work for you.

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