I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Are You Ignoring Your Calling

When my mom was 47, she passed away from cancer. This was really alarming to me because I was in my late twenties. I could see no end to my life.

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Of course, everything changed when she passed away.
I changed my perspective.
I stepped away from the American dream that was making me so miserable.

I started doing extensive travel. I started telling people how short life is.
And if you aren't happy now, you'll never be happy. Because now is all we have.

I've seen this time and time again.
I met this guy while I was traveling. He was 20 years old.
He was traveling around the world for a year.

He went back home to England and he was in a boat accident at home.
Early was supposed to be safe a boating accident at 20 and they never found his body.
If he hadn't gone traveling, he would have never experienced any of that again.

I've heard so many stories about people who fall in love with sailing.
And may decide, “ah! I really want to sail around the world! That would be so amazing”.
So, they decide that they're going to go. They are saving up their money.
They start shopping for a boat. They plan. They go out buy their boar. They start fixing it up.
Then, they sell everything when they are about to go.

Then something happens.
They move into their boat and they never leave.
They never leave the dock. They just stay in the docks.

They're too afraid to step out. And do what they were wanting to do.
There's resources out there and things that they could have done and they don't.

They just let fears eat their dreams.
This is something that I don't want to happen to you.
Because if you're honest, it's impacting you more than you know.

I recently talked to a lady and I said, “You're not following your dream. Is it impacting your health? Have you had any health issues?”
And she said, “Yes. Actually, I had breast cancer”.

She correlated that to her not following her dream. She knew that it was due to stress.
The stress was partly due to her not following her dreams.
Something she know she has a calling for.

We've all been there. We've all done that. We’ve settled.
We’ve compromised to a point that's good. We need to be giving.
But if we don't ever give to ourselves, if we don't follow our dreams or our hearts calling, then how can we be fulfilled enough to give back.

We want to help others. We want to grow.
But if we're not doing what we need to do, how can we get back?
How can we have enough to give back to somebody else?
And help another person?

This is my point. If you feel like this is resonating with you.
If something in your heart is telling you that this message is for you to listen.
Listen very carefully.

Because it doesn't matter where you’ve been.
It doesn't matter where you are and what you're doing now.
What matters is what you do now.

Forget about the past! What now?
Are you going to step up and take that leap?
Are you going to follow your dreams? Or your hearts calling?
It's up to you!

Nobody can make this decision. How is it impacting you?
How is it impacting your loved ones?
That you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing. 
That you are answering your call.

You're the only one who gets this call.
The reason you hear it, is because it's for you.
It’s not for somebody else to answer.
It’s your responsibility. It’s your dream!

Are you going to step up to the life has calling you? If you don't, a part of you will die every day. Your body is crying out with aches and pains. Headaches. Tension.
Stress. Anxiety. Overwhelmed. Diseases like cancer.

Because you're not doing what you need to be doing for you to take care of you.
At what point are you going to say, “Enough is enough! I will no longer tolerate not living my life! I’m done with this! Let's go!”

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