I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Get Everything You Want NOW

My mom was diagnosed with cancer when she was 46.

During the last year of her life, I heard her talk about a lot of things that she still hasn’t done.

Click the image for the video.

One of those things that I really remember is, she wanted to take a road trip to go see the Grand Canyon with her Australian dog, Foster. She just never got to do that.

When she passed away, that changed everything for me.
I realized how incredibly short my life is.
Even if I live to be a hundred, it's still going to be short.

I realized how much time I had been wasting. That was so painful for me.
Because I wasn't doing the things that I wanted to do.
I wasn't putting my dreams into my life. And it hurt.

So I started doing that and also started coaching people in that direction.
I started coaching people past their fears. Past the reason why they can't.
And coaching people to start aligning their life with what they actually truly want.

So many of us, we put off the things that we want.
We put off basic things that we could have now.
Like happiness. Connecting with our friends and our family.

We put these things off. We don't have to put them off.
Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to be connected to somebody else.
Everyone wants to have a great relationship. Everyone wants love and acceptance.
And to give back and help other people.

All these, seems we think we have to give a certification.
Get credentials. Get better. Be a better person.
But they can happen now! They can happen today.

We just have fears. We just have always think holding us back.
It doesn't have to be like that. You'd be happy now without reaching your goal, to make a million dollars or to lose a hundred pounds. You can be happy now!

Yes, of course! You still want your goal. But punishing yourself by being unhappy until you get your goal, it's not fulfilling. And what if you never get that goal? Happiness is something you can control. And something that's inside of you.

That is why I coach. Because I see so much disconnect between what we want, what we want to be, and where we are. All that can be taken away. All your fears can be worked through and addressed.

And you can have your happiness. You could have your peace of mind.
You can have your fulfillment now! While you're on your journey to your goals.

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