I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

Are you a business owner? Do you have a calling to start your own business?
Are you holding back in some way?

Click the image for the video.

Do you feel as if you're not quite ready? As if you need to wait for the right time?
As if you need to wait on someone or something or other people to see you as a leader?
I want to challenge that.

If you are getting this calling, then maybe you are more ready than you think you are.
I want to ask you to really analyze. Are you ready?
Or are you just telling yourself, you're not ready because you're afraid to step up?

Are you telling yourself, you are waiting on something? Because you're afraid of step up?
Think about that. If you are getting this calling and you're not taking that step.
And you aren't stepping up into this role, you are denying a part of yourself.

You're denying serving those people that you would serve by starting your own business.
So really think. Are you ready? Or are you just afraid to take the steps needed to start your own business? Or to dig in your role in your current business.

If you found that you are holding back because you are afraid to take that step.
There's a few things that I want to challenge you to do.
And one of those things is, find people who do the kind of work that you are looking to do.

And to make contact with them. Ask them a few questions.
Ask them why they got into their field. Ask them what they like about their field.
Ask them what keeps them going. Get to know those people.
Ask them how they got started. That's number one. That's the first thing I want you to do.

Then the second thing I want you to do, is to start surrounding yourself with people who are entrepreneurs who have the same mindset. Are going to the level that you want to go to.
Who are moving forward in starting their business. Start looking for those people.
Start surrounding yourself.

If you can't find them locally, start surrounding yourself with those people online and really digging into their material and what makes their business work. Those two things find people and ask about their business and to find people and search the surrounding yourself with those people whether it's virtually or locally.

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