I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Why You Need A Virtual Assistant NOW

If you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or about to start up your company.

This message is for you. 

Click the image for the video.

A lot of times, we as business owners or people just starting up their business, we think…
“oh I can do it all myself. I can really start this business on a shoe lace”.
And that’s fine. But here is the issue.

We all need help.
We all need support.
We all need to find someone that can help us with the smaller tasks.

If you have thought about hiring a virtual assistant and you haven’t because you can still do it all yourself. And you keep pushing this thought. Well, this is a great thing that you can still do it all yourself.

And here is the reason why you need to hire a virtual assistant right now while you can still do it all yourself. Because you have the time to teach somebody.

Once you are passed that point, once you are in over your head and you cannot do it all yourself, you will have no time to meet somebody and have a virtual assistant.

When you get a virtual assistant, it takes time to look for and to find the right virtual assistant.
It takes time to try out a couple of different virtual assistants.
It takes time to learn the communication between you and that personal assistant.

Those are three basic of having a virtual assistant.
But then you also need time to train this virtual assistant.

If you are thinking of putting off hiring a virtual assistant?
This is a huge mistake!

What you can do now is you can start to find a virtual assistant.
And then you can hire that person on a test basis.
Couple hours a week and then up that as more work comes through and as you train this person.

That way you know you have a reliable person.
You know your communication with that person is going well.
And you know that they’ll get the things done that you need done.

So if you are thinking of putting off hiring a virtual assistant, I would say DON’T.
Don’t put it off any longer.
Now is the time while you have the time to train a virtual assistant.

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