I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).


Is there something that you need to do? 
And you just know you need to do it but you can’t just put yourself out there?
You can’t take that leap, take a step!

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You are procrastinating into finding all these important things before you take that step, like the dishes, the laundry or vacuuming or wait, I’ve got to clean my closet! 

So if you know you are supposed to do something, you know you want to, it will benefit you but you cannot make that leap because you are afraid. What do you do? 
How do you conquer that fear? 

Well, there’s a few things that you could do. You can start to ask yourself this question.
How can I do this and still have fun doing it? 

Personally, for me, I feel like I’m afraid of everything. But if I’m a little bit prepared, it helps. 
A couple of years ago, I was terribly afraid of public speaking. I really didn’t want to do it.
I don’t want anything to do with it. 

I did not want to be in the camera for sure. I was like “oh, I feel like I need to this, I know I need to do this". But I cannot make myself to do this. 

I went to a Toastmasters. I went in for the meeting and I left and never went back. 
I was like “no! no way… I’m not going to do it” 
Then I’ve thought about it, “oh I can do impromptu” that would be fun!

It’s a safe environment. They give like a little one-time class to try it out. 
So, I did that, went to the class, tried it out and signed up. I signed up for the whole year. 
It was still hard for me even after 8 months. 

I remember going to a show and I was crying. It was like our 8th show and I was afraid.
I’m upset and I was like I’m not doing a good job. I’m not where I want to be. 

I was just like boring. I went to do the show. It was fine but everyone’s afraid. 
You just have to find something. Take a little bit of a step and tell yourself to relax.
To learn it a little bit, be comfortable and still works towards that goal on where you know you need to be. 

That’s step number one: How can I do this and still have fun?  
Second thing you can ask yourself is: How can I do this and make this easy?

If you ask yourself those two questions: how can I have fun? How can I make this easy?
I guarantee, if you keep asking it, you will find those answers.
You will be able to do it! Feel safe. And you will be able to move on to your life. 

Because whatever you need to do is blocking you and you can’t move forward. 
You are stuck until you find a way to get unstuck. 
You are still going to be stuck in your life. You are still going to be in this block!  

So ask yourself, how can I do this and have fun? 
How can I do this and make it super easy? 
Easy. Easier.

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