I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Do you ever feel like people don’t respect you or don’t value the work that you do?
Do you ever feel like you work so hard and give a lot for FREE? 

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And people still seem to walk all over you?
Don’t respect what you do?
Or just don’t value you and you feel that impacts your self-worth?

I want to discuss a little story that happened to me yesterday.
I got a text from my client who I billed.
He said, that he didn’t think the charges I charged him were reasonable.

And for the time that I put in, he was going to pay me about $15 an hour.
We would call it even and no hard feelings. I wasn’t sure why he wasn’t valuing my services. He was getting results, amazing results!
I just don’t know why he wasn’t valuing my services.

I could take the money and keep working with him.
Or I can value myself and tell him, that I’m not going to work with him anymore.
Of course! I need to, for my own self-worth.

Me, valuing myself and the work that I do, I need to let him go.
I need to apologize that he doesn’t value my work.
He doesn’t value what I do.

I’m going to have to work with someone else that does value what I do.
And does see the value and the results that they get.
It comes down to self-respect and self-worth.

If you are not valuing yourself and taking clients that don’t value you.
Then, it’s going to reflect inside of you. 
And inside of your self-worth.

So, take a look now. See if your client sees the value that you do, to the level that you 
feel you should be valued. And see where you are with that.

Maybe you need to find somebody else to work with.
Find some new clients.
Stand up!

You will feel that inside.
You will feel a little scary to let a client go.
But the payoff for your own self-worth would be so worth it!

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The other day, I was talking to somebody who said, 
"I’m on a plateau, I’m stuck. I can’t seem to lose weight. 
I was doing really good. I was sticking to my diet.
For the last few months, I just can’t seem to get motivated. 
I can’t go back on that wagon; I don’t know where it is? I hate diets and I hate counting calories".

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And I said, "I have a question. If you have a friend that you want to hang out with.
And you said, hey, let’s do something. It’s going to be super boring and very redundant.
Do you think he will hang out with you?"

And he was like, "No, why would he?"
I said, "well, that’s basically what you are telling your mind".
When you are saying, "hey let’s go in a diet and your mind is telling you “WHAAAATT?”

Your mind doesn’t want to go in a diet.
Your mind wants variety.
Your mind wants options.

Now you want security and to know that you are losing weight, making progress and getting more energy. Feeling better about yourself.
So how do you make those two merged?

It’s not about diet.
It’s more about eating less sugar. 
Eating healthier. Eating more whole foods.

And examining what is your eating and trying to keep a balance.
Instead of, “Oh my GOD! I’m going to go on a diet, I’m going to be disciplined".
All those words and you are like “ugh, I don’t want to do that”.

You are not going to stay on track if you don’t want to do it.
So figure out where you are. Whether if you have a 100 lbs. to lose or 10.
Figure out where you are and make some small adjustments.

Make it easy on yourself. It can be easy. You can make this fun!
You can make variety. Just keep asking yourself.
How do I do this? How do I have fun doing it?

Believe that it can be fun. Just keep asking yourself. 
How do I do this and have fun doing it?
Your mind will come to solutions.
Just keep asking and asking.

Eat more whole foods, less sugar and don’t give up!

Find Nichole Carlson:

Have you ever said, "Oh, it’s a little thing. It doesn’t matter! OR, It’s not that bad!"

I want to ask you. Are you sure it’s not that bad? Are you sure that it’s a little thing?

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Because I was coaching somebody recently. I looked back over their history.
They have lot of little things. They were some little things.

They were in a situation where they had to tell somebody the truth. 
It was really, really big thing. And they couldn’t do it.

It’s been six months that they cannot tell this person the truth. 
And they were wondering why they were struggling.
I pointed it out. I asked about their history. The little things. 

And he said, "no, they were little things".
And I go, "yes! I definitely understand that those are little things.
But, you’ve created a habit".

Our lives are made up of little things.
These little things add up.
And they train us for the big things.

So, whether it’s a cookie here and there. 
Or trying to be disciplined in time to get up for businesses.
Or be disciplined going to the gym for at least 20 minutes a day.
Or whatever it is, these little things that seem to be little, are actually training us.

They are super important for when it comes time to deal with the big things.
Because we are training ourselves for this when it happens.
And it’s the things that we say to ourselves. Things that are not that bad!

The negative talk that when we are going to a hard time.
That negative talk really builds up. We get really down, really depressed.

Or when we are trying to work on our business.
And we are not organized. Then we go to our hard time.
Or when something happens and we really have hard time dealing with it.

Because we haven’t started in the beginning with good habits
And I’m not saying, work for perfection. Far from it.
You start where you are. But the next time you think, it’s not that bad.

Ask yourself. What are you teaching yourself? 
Would it be that bad? You keep telling yourself that it’s not that bad? 
Would it be that bad when something big comes up?

I just want to tell you that things happen in our lives that impact us greatly, we have to be ready for those. It’s the little things that do matter. That are very important.
Because little things make up our lives.

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About six months ago, I decided I wasn't as happy as I wanted to be.
I mean, I was happy with my life. I felt like I was progressing and moving forward. 

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But, I felt like I get agitated easily and really tired. 
I get agitated. It wasn't feeling real joy and happiness.
And connected to my heart.

You know what I mean.
When you are kid and you go out and you ride on your bike. 
You are like, "I want to ride my bike and go with my friends". 
You know what? I want that! I don’t care if people say it’s unrealistic.

Well, guess what? I want to be unrealistic. 
I want to feel that during my day. I want to connect back to me. 
I want to connect to the things that I love. I’m like okay, I’m going to do some bring stuff. 
But I can be happy doing that. I can find happiness in what I’m doing

So I decided that I was going to go in this journey. 
Start training myself to be happier and work on my emotions. 
So I sat down, I thought my behaviors or emotions are probably triggered by something.

If they are triggered by something, I can probably trigger something else. 
And I thought, what is something quick and easy that can make me happy. 
So I thought it’s music. So I picked up a few songs and I have like some triggers for that.

Then I thought, when am I triggered to be frustrated? 
When I get home from the gym and I am super tired. 
I have this energy drain or when I get home from anything. 

Or when I’m fidgeting with something and I feel that it should work but it doesn’t work and maybe I’m tired and it doesn’t work because I am tired. 
That’s another one or maybe it’s just because I am tired and that gets me a lot.

So, I wrote down these things and analyzed my emotions for the last six months. 
And wrote things down and noted when I was feeling low or when I was getting frustrated. So I would ask for help when I’m getting frustrated or just walk away and go back ask for help. I really started to taking note these things and I thought what else can I do.

So I bought this trampoline.
Sometimes you are just sitting there for hours and hours and hours. 
You feel like you just don’t want to go to the gym either. 
Because you’ve already been. How many hours you can spend at the gym?
Or you don’t have time.

So I got this trampoline. It’s a miniature trampoline from Amazon, 35 bucks. 
And it helps! I turned on my dance music and on Pandora.
I have this happy radio that I go to. 

I get on my trampoline when I’ve sitting there for a while. 
Or when my mood getting down. 
It actually has helped.

When you first train your emotions, it may actually seem weird. 
And it may feel a little uncomfortable or fake. 
You know you are a happy person inside but something else is triggering you to being unhappy. 

But it happens so often that it’s kind of comfortable to be unhappy and weird. 
So you have train yourself into this new comfort of being happier and having more energy, which everyone wants or both of them. It just takes some time and dedication

I am sure this would be a long process. 
But I have definitely noticed some improvement. I have to tell you I love the changes.
I’ll keep going and trying to think of more ways that I can be happier and more energetic.

Find Nichole Carlson:

Do you feel like you are happy?

Or when I ask that, do you think that you are "oh well, I'm not depressed so I must be happy" 

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Well, I’m finding that a lot of people that I’m talking to aren’t happy

They’re not depressed, they’re not angry but they’re not genuinely happy

They’re not going about their day and truly just filled with gratitude or thinking about positive things that are happening in their life or see about the good things.

I’m finding that a lot of people that I’m talking to and coaching, are thinking about the negative things.

Everything that’s going wrong, you’re not hearing about anything that’s going right, the good things that they did.

You just hear about all the times that they failed or all the times that all the things that’s are going on in their Facebook feed.

If you ask them, they’re tell you that they are happy. They’re not depressed, they’re not angry.

But if you really dig in, they’re not happy either.

They’re just taking the things that the world has given them and dealing with it.

It’s not the feeling, that feeling if you don’t make a decision on the kind of things that you want in your life, the kind of goals that you want and go after them.

I know it’s hard because we’ve all failed, we’ve all messed up, we’ve all missed our mark.

We all want to be somewhere else.

But if we are not finding things that we want to do, not finding goals and growing toward something in our life, then we don’t feel like we are getting anywhere.

We don’t feel like we are growing, we don’t feel like we are advancing in our life and this is not about talking our career or relationships.

I’m talking about every part of your life; your finances, your family relationships, your relationships with your significant other, your business, your career, your hobbies.

If you don’t feel like you’re going forward, you feel like you’re in maintenance mode and stagnant, that is not a happy place to be.

That is not giving you passion, that doesn’t excite you, doesn’t let you up.

If you feel like maybe something is wrong, you don’t feel like you are moving forward, you feel kind of stuck, maybe you should look at some other areas in your life that you would like to move forward and figure out “how can I move forward”

How can I move forward with my finances?

How can I move forward with my body?

How can I move forward with my health?

Maybe you don’t have to go out, try to run a marathon but have more energy

If you are moving forward in a few categories and adding to that, then you’re going to feel like you’re growing and making progress.

That is going to give you a satisfaction and you’re going to be more grateful and happier. I realized that the reason that I’ve been failing is because I’m doing better.

Find Nichole Carlson:

Have you ever found yourself completely frustrated by something out of your control?

And it just bothered you and you let it get to you more than it should and you realized that it should be a small thing but to you, it isn’t. It’s like “ugh” And you just have all these build up, all this negativity and then you feel like “I don’t want to feel this way”

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Well there are some things that I've tried, I've done and that worked for me, maybe it will also work you, maybe you can tweak it if it doesn't.

Just ask yourself “how can this work for me?”

But here’s a couple of things that you can do.

Walk away... just walk away.

A lot of times I find myself annoyed with just things around the house or the computer and it’s stupid. So I get up and get some water, just get away from it because I can feel that agitation. Nobody wants to feel that way. You want to feel positive. Feel positive feelings or at least not negativity. So just walk away, make it a priority to feel good because you can feel good.

A lot of times in our society we just accept things, accept life coming at us, accept a job that we don’t want. Some things you just got to do. But I don’t think you have to accept being unhappy, or angry. I don’t think you have to accept that in yourself because you have control over yourself or you should. Something shouldn’t annoy you. I don’t think we are really trained on that, we are not taught how to control our anger or emotions. I don’t blame anyone for that.

Two, know that you can control things that are inside of you.

Breathe. Take a deep breath because that will give you energy and energy will give you access to resources you will be able to think more clearly. So walk away, breathe deep and change your posture.

So many people are bent over, and their shoulders are collapsed and their neck collapses their lungs and they can’t breathe.

If you have your shoulders back and your chest out you have fuller breath.

So breathe, take a deep breath. Put your shoulders back. Stand up. Have good posture and move your body, walk around.

A lot of times it depends, how agitated or annoyed I am will go work out.

That really helps, just getting out of the mindset of being annoyed or angry, going into a new environment and doing something, refocusing yourself. It’s huge!

Get up, move around and make sure you are breathing.

Try those things and do those things and keep doing those things because it’s not be over night.

You didn’t get angry, this has been going on for years and years and you have a lot of emotions build up inside of you so you have to retrain yourself, reprogram yourself to rethink of these things.

Go easy on yourself don’t get annoyed and try these things out. Do them.

Find Nichole Carlson:

Have you ever noticed that negative emotions play such a huge role in your life?

So whether it's anger, depression, frustration... all these negative emotions, start from the minute your alarm goes off or can't start from the minute your alarm goes off?

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It can just be agitated throughout the day by various things; you’re being late, the dogs, the kids, and whatever is going on with your life.

It can be overwhelming, but then something happened, you get used to it which is actually the worst thing you can do is to accept that this is how it is because it doesn’t have to be that way.

Not everyone lives this way.

A lot of people don’t, a lot of people do probably more people do than don’t but a lot of people have figured it out. Figured out ways to get out of it.

I’ve been hearing maybe you have to think about gratitude, be grateful, do your gratitude’s, write down of five things in the mornings that you’re grateful for.

I don’t know if you’ve done it, you have to sit down and think, take time out of your already busy day start a new habit, right?

I have and I’ve noticed that I can write these things down and it actually makes a difference because after a while you start to notice more positive things than negative things.

It’s like working out, it builds up over time till you notice more and more positive things.

If you stop, it kind of filters back in the negative emotions.

I’m not saying that gratitude or writing down three things in the morning is going to be a saving grace.

I think it’s a part of it, it’s a key, it’s a step towards finding more positive things in your life and focusing on those positive things.

It is basically all about taking your focus that’s on all the negative things, all the things that are things that are going wrong which is kind of a way we are wired.

So changing it from that, to changing it to something positive and the things that are going right and not being so hard on ourselves, taking the negative things, or taking things and seeing them as negative, really just turning our perception around, turn our thoughts around, change our perspective and just look a different direction.

Find Nichole Carlson:

So for the last few months I’ve been really trying to focus on being happier and disciplining my emotions so I can be happy, grateful or any positive emotion all day.

And so the little things, stupid things don’t frustrate me.

I just feel like I’ve been failing so much!

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And I realized that the reason that I’ve been failing is because I’m doing better.

It’s because I’m more aware of my emotions.

Because when I start to feel frustration or anger I’m so aware of it and I struggle so much with it.

I think, okay I’m feeling this frustration what do I do?

Quit doing this thing that frustrates me.

Quit tinkering with this little toy or this little icon on my phone or whatever is not working
that I think should be working and walk away or go work out, go for a walk.

And it just feels that I’m failing and failing and failing.

But then I realized that I’m just aware of it and I’m actually progressing.

Because I’m more aware of it and I can see what’s happening.

And also I’ve been trying to connect deeper with my positive emotions.

Because usually we connect so deeply with our negative emotions that there’s so ingrained in us.

And this morning I was just filled with so much gratitude for things I see my future but haven’t happened yet.

And it was just amazing I was just thinking of all these things that I want to accomplish and things that I want to do.

And I was like "Oh my GOD I’m so grateful!" and I started crying on the way to the gym.

And I’m just crying for these things they’re in my future. They haven’t happened.

But I’m like oh my GOD I feel them, I feel them inside me, I feel them growing.

I feel my body being pulled toward them.

And I’m just like oh my GOD they’re mine, they are in my future.

And I’m happy with where I am but also I am happy to be growing and giving .

And oh my GOD I am just so grateful and excited and I’m so ready to be the person that I know I can be.

I’m ready to stop holding back.

I’m tired of playing small.

I want to be who I know I am.

I feel so grateful.

Find Nichole Carlson:

Hey guys I have been really working on my emotions 
and trying to stay in a positive state for the last 3 – 4 months.

I thought I used to think this is impossible. This is crazy!

Why would you train to try to control their emotions? 

I would hear people talk, "oh if something happens you are choosing to feel that way."

It’s so frustrating when you are already frustrated.

You hear this voice in the back of your head you’re choosing to feel this way. 

Ugh shut up! You don’t want to go through this but you know you need to and you want a better life.

You want to feel happy, you want to feel excited, you want not to feel angry

and frustrated and annoyed and let the little things just mess you up. I decided. "Fine. I’ll do it."

I’ll train, I’ll try to work on my emotions and do a lot of things and I’ve kept trying and working on it.

It just felt miserable because the more I focus on it and the more I tried to stay happy and positive.

You’re not going to be super happy all the time.

You just don’t want to feel negative, right?

The more I was trying I kept feeling like I was failing.

And I was like ‘ugh!! Again? Okay I got to do something."

I got to turn this around, so I put on music.

Go to the gym, work it out.

And I just kept feeling like I’m failing, failing, failing and failing.

And it’s because our negative emotions are so rooted into us.

For example, if you are angry or upset or somebody cut you off
or you lash out, throw out the finger you really think about it.

You tell the story you go to work and tell the story to 10 or 20 people.

You keep thinking about it and really connect with that negative feeling. 

But... when was last time that you connected to that positive feeling?

When was the last time you’re driving in rush hour traffic...
and you thought, "Oh my God. Look at that sunrise!" and you took it in?

And everything slowed down. You’re already in a rush hour traffic but you really took it in.

You felt it.

And you were so grateful for it and then you went home and you told your partner or spouse about it
and then you called your friends and talked about it.

You don’t do that. People don’t do that.

That is why we have to work so much harder to train to be happy and positive and feel these positive
emotions because we have been trained and have been training ourselves to really feel
these negative emotions. So just know that you can train your emotions and you can train to be happier, more positive, get rid of the negative emotions.

Of course they will always be there but if have a negative emotion you know you need to do something.

You need to change your thought process or change your approach, change something.

The negative emotions are not necessarily bad.

You don’t want to live there. You want a better life.

You want to be happy and positive and cheerful and feel connected to something greater than negativity anger, rage.

You want to feel like you can do anything. You want the energy of being positive and being happy.

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