I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

FAILED? The Secret You Don't Know About Struggle

So for the last few months I’ve been really trying to focus on being happier and disciplining my emotions so I can be happy, grateful or any positive emotion all day.

And so the little things, stupid things don’t frustrate me.

I just feel like I’ve been failing so much!

Click the image for the video.

And I realized that the reason that I’ve been failing is because I’m doing better.

It’s because I’m more aware of my emotions.

Because when I start to feel frustration or anger I’m so aware of it and I struggle so much with it.

I think, okay I’m feeling this frustration what do I do?

Quit doing this thing that frustrates me.

Quit tinkering with this little toy or this little icon on my phone or whatever is not working
that I think should be working and walk away or go work out, go for a walk.

And it just feels that I’m failing and failing and failing.

But then I realized that I’m just aware of it and I’m actually progressing.

Because I’m more aware of it and I can see what’s happening.

And also I’ve been trying to connect deeper with my positive emotions.

Because usually we connect so deeply with our negative emotions that there’s so ingrained in us.

And this morning I was just filled with so much gratitude for things I see my future but haven’t happened yet.

And it was just amazing I was just thinking of all these things that I want to accomplish and things that I want to do.

And I was like "Oh my GOD I’m so grateful!" and I started crying on the way to the gym.

And I’m just crying for these things they’re in my future. They haven’t happened.

But I’m like oh my GOD I feel them, I feel them inside me, I feel them growing.

I feel my body being pulled toward them.

And I’m just like oh my GOD they’re mine, they are in my future.

And I’m happy with where I am but also I am happy to be growing and giving .

And oh my GOD I am just so grateful and excited and I’m so ready to be the person that I know I can be.

I’m ready to stop holding back.

I’m tired of playing small.

I want to be who I know I am.

I feel so grateful.

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