I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Will it WORK for YOU? What's Keeping You From Happiness?

Have you ever heard the saying "you choose your emotions, you are choosing to feel a certain way”

How frustrating is that?

If you are already frustrated and somebody tells you even if it’s the voice on the back of your head that you are choosing to feel that way.

How annoying...

But, when you finally realized that you want to feel better.

You want to be happier and less frustrated.

You have to get to what is stopping you.

What is the reason? What is your belief that’s keeping you from being happier?

So for me it was, "I have PMS."

And if I tried to, then you know it will just restart every month.

And I would have to start over and it wouldn’t work for me because I get PMS.

I’m a woman and I just hear guys just talking about emotional control.

Okay, so that was my big crappy belief that I couldn’t do it.

That I couldn’t control my emotions, that I couldn’t live a happier life.

And I got to a point where I was frustrated with being frustrated.

I was frustrated with being angry and it was affecting the people that I love.

And I didn’t like it, I felt like I was wasting my life.

So what is your big why? Why are you living in negativity?

Are you depressed? Are you unhappy?

Did you just got it from your parents?

What is stopping you?

And I would challenge you to take a look at that reason, whatever it is,

And ask yourself, is this true? Is this worth it?

And do I want to continue living with this belief that keeps me from working towards being happier,
less frustrated and less angry?

So just take a look at that, think about it,

And It may take you a while because emotions are something that just come up all the time,

And It’s really tough if you decide that you want to be a happy person

And train your emotions and train to be happier.

You can do that but it is a challenge.

So you have to be ready.

You have to be like, okay I’m done with this, I want it. Give me a happier life.

And you have to take the step and be like, okay this is it, I’m done with being unhappy.

How do I do this? And then start.

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