I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

How To Be Happy NOW!

About six months ago, I decided I wasn't as happy as I wanted to be.
I mean, I was happy with my life. I felt like I was progressing and moving forward. 

Click the image for the video.

But, I felt like I get agitated easily and really tired. 
I get agitated. It wasn't feeling real joy and happiness.
And connected to my heart.

You know what I mean.
When you are kid and you go out and you ride on your bike. 
You are like, "I want to ride my bike and go with my friends". 
You know what? I want that! I don’t care if people say it’s unrealistic.

Well, guess what? I want to be unrealistic. 
I want to feel that during my day. I want to connect back to me. 
I want to connect to the things that I love. I’m like okay, I’m going to do some bring stuff. 
But I can be happy doing that. I can find happiness in what I’m doing

So I decided that I was going to go in this journey. 
Start training myself to be happier and work on my emotions. 
So I sat down, I thought my behaviors or emotions are probably triggered by something.

If they are triggered by something, I can probably trigger something else. 
And I thought, what is something quick and easy that can make me happy. 
So I thought it’s music. So I picked up a few songs and I have like some triggers for that.

Then I thought, when am I triggered to be frustrated? 
When I get home from the gym and I am super tired. 
I have this energy drain or when I get home from anything. 

Or when I’m fidgeting with something and I feel that it should work but it doesn’t work and maybe I’m tired and it doesn’t work because I am tired. 
That’s another one or maybe it’s just because I am tired and that gets me a lot.

So, I wrote down these things and analyzed my emotions for the last six months. 
And wrote things down and noted when I was feeling low or when I was getting frustrated. So I would ask for help when I’m getting frustrated or just walk away and go back ask for help. I really started to taking note these things and I thought what else can I do.

So I bought this trampoline.
Sometimes you are just sitting there for hours and hours and hours. 
You feel like you just don’t want to go to the gym either. 
Because you’ve already been. How many hours you can spend at the gym?
Or you don’t have time.

So I got this trampoline. It’s a miniature trampoline from Amazon, 35 bucks. 
And it helps! I turned on my dance music and on Pandora.
I have this happy radio that I go to. 

I get on my trampoline when I’ve sitting there for a while. 
Or when my mood getting down. 
It actually has helped.

When you first train your emotions, it may actually seem weird. 
And it may feel a little uncomfortable or fake. 
You know you are a happy person inside but something else is triggering you to being unhappy. 

But it happens so often that it’s kind of comfortable to be unhappy and weird. 
So you have train yourself into this new comfort of being happier and having more energy, which everyone wants or both of them. It just takes some time and dedication

I am sure this would be a long process. 
But I have definitely noticed some improvement. I have to tell you I love the changes.
I’ll keep going and trying to think of more ways that I can be happier and more energetic.

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