I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Why You Can't Stick To Your DIET

The other day, I was talking to somebody who said, 
"I’m on a plateau, I’m stuck. I can’t seem to lose weight. 
I was doing really good. I was sticking to my diet.
For the last few months, I just can’t seem to get motivated. 
I can’t go back on that wagon; I don’t know where it is? I hate diets and I hate counting calories".

Click the image for the video.

And I said, "I have a question. If you have a friend that you want to hang out with.
And you said, hey, let’s do something. It’s going to be super boring and very redundant.
Do you think he will hang out with you?"

And he was like, "No, why would he?"
I said, "well, that’s basically what you are telling your mind".
When you are saying, "hey let’s go in a diet and your mind is telling you “WHAAAATT?”

Your mind doesn’t want to go in a diet.
Your mind wants variety.
Your mind wants options.

Now you want security and to know that you are losing weight, making progress and getting more energy. Feeling better about yourself.
So how do you make those two merged?

It’s not about diet.
It’s more about eating less sugar. 
Eating healthier. Eating more whole foods.

And examining what is your eating and trying to keep a balance.
Instead of, “Oh my GOD! I’m going to go on a diet, I’m going to be disciplined".
All those words and you are like “ugh, I don’t want to do that”.

You are not going to stay on track if you don’t want to do it.
So figure out where you are. Whether if you have a 100 lbs. to lose or 10.
Figure out where you are and make some small adjustments.

Make it easy on yourself. It can be easy. You can make this fun!
You can make variety. Just keep asking yourself.
How do I do this? How do I have fun doing it?

Believe that it can be fun. Just keep asking yourself. 
How do I do this and have fun doing it?
Your mind will come to solutions.
Just keep asking and asking.

Eat more whole foods, less sugar and don’t give up!

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