I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

What To Do When You Feel STUCK

Do you feel like you are happy?

Or when I ask that, do you think that you are "oh well, I'm not depressed so I must be happy" 

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Well, I’m finding that a lot of people that I’m talking to aren’t happy

They’re not depressed, they’re not angry but they’re not genuinely happy

They’re not going about their day and truly just filled with gratitude or thinking about positive things that are happening in their life or see about the good things.

I’m finding that a lot of people that I’m talking to and coaching, are thinking about the negative things.

Everything that’s going wrong, you’re not hearing about anything that’s going right, the good things that they did.

You just hear about all the times that they failed or all the times that all the things that’s are going on in their Facebook feed.

If you ask them, they’re tell you that they are happy. They’re not depressed, they’re not angry.

But if you really dig in, they’re not happy either.

They’re just taking the things that the world has given them and dealing with it.

It’s not the feeling, that feeling if you don’t make a decision on the kind of things that you want in your life, the kind of goals that you want and go after them.

I know it’s hard because we’ve all failed, we’ve all messed up, we’ve all missed our mark.

We all want to be somewhere else.

But if we are not finding things that we want to do, not finding goals and growing toward something in our life, then we don’t feel like we are getting anywhere.

We don’t feel like we are growing, we don’t feel like we are advancing in our life and this is not about talking our career or relationships.

I’m talking about every part of your life; your finances, your family relationships, your relationships with your significant other, your business, your career, your hobbies.

If you don’t feel like you’re going forward, you feel like you’re in maintenance mode and stagnant, that is not a happy place to be.

That is not giving you passion, that doesn’t excite you, doesn’t let you up.

If you feel like maybe something is wrong, you don’t feel like you are moving forward, you feel kind of stuck, maybe you should look at some other areas in your life that you would like to move forward and figure out “how can I move forward”

How can I move forward with my finances?

How can I move forward with my body?

How can I move forward with my health?

Maybe you don’t have to go out, try to run a marathon but have more energy

If you are moving forward in a few categories and adding to that, then you’re going to feel like you’re growing and making progress.

That is going to give you a satisfaction and you’re going to be more grateful and happier. I realized that the reason that I’ve been failing is because I’m doing better.

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