I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Why is it HARD to be HAPPY?!

Hey guys I have been really working on my emotions 
and trying to stay in a positive state for the last 3 – 4 months.

I thought I used to think this is impossible. This is crazy!

Why would you train to try to control their emotions? 

I would hear people talk, "oh if something happens you are choosing to feel that way."

It’s so frustrating when you are already frustrated.

You hear this voice in the back of your head you’re choosing to feel this way. 

Ugh shut up! You don’t want to go through this but you know you need to and you want a better life.

You want to feel happy, you want to feel excited, you want not to feel angry

and frustrated and annoyed and let the little things just mess you up. I decided. "Fine. I’ll do it."

I’ll train, I’ll try to work on my emotions and do a lot of things and I’ve kept trying and working on it.

It just felt miserable because the more I focus on it and the more I tried to stay happy and positive.

You’re not going to be super happy all the time.

You just don’t want to feel negative, right?

The more I was trying I kept feeling like I was failing.

And I was like ‘ugh!! Again? Okay I got to do something."

I got to turn this around, so I put on music.

Go to the gym, work it out.

And I just kept feeling like I’m failing, failing, failing and failing.

And it’s because our negative emotions are so rooted into us.

For example, if you are angry or upset or somebody cut you off
or you lash out, throw out the finger you really think about it.

You tell the story you go to work and tell the story to 10 or 20 people.

You keep thinking about it and really connect with that negative feeling. 

But... when was last time that you connected to that positive feeling?

When was the last time you’re driving in rush hour traffic...
and you thought, "Oh my God. Look at that sunrise!" and you took it in?

And everything slowed down. You’re already in a rush hour traffic but you really took it in.

You felt it.

And you were so grateful for it and then you went home and you told your partner or spouse about it
and then you called your friends and talked about it.

You don’t do that. People don’t do that.

That is why we have to work so much harder to train to be happy and positive and feel these positive
emotions because we have been trained and have been training ourselves to really feel
these negative emotions. So just know that you can train your emotions and you can train to be happier, more positive, get rid of the negative emotions.

Of course they will always be there but if have a negative emotion you know you need to do something.

You need to change your thought process or change your approach, change something.

The negative emotions are not necessarily bad.

You don’t want to live there. You want a better life.

You want to be happy and positive and cheerful and feel connected to something greater than negativity anger, rage.

You want to feel like you can do anything. You want the energy of being positive and being happy.

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