I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

How To Manage Your Emotions & FEEL GOOD!

Have you ever found yourself completely frustrated by something out of your control?

And it just bothered you and you let it get to you more than it should and you realized that it should be a small thing but to you, it isn’t. It’s like “ugh” And you just have all these build up, all this negativity and then you feel like “I don’t want to feel this way”

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Well there are some things that I've tried, I've done and that worked for me, maybe it will also work you, maybe you can tweak it if it doesn't.

Just ask yourself “how can this work for me?”

But here’s a couple of things that you can do.

Walk away... just walk away.

A lot of times I find myself annoyed with just things around the house or the computer and it’s stupid. So I get up and get some water, just get away from it because I can feel that agitation. Nobody wants to feel that way. You want to feel positive. Feel positive feelings or at least not negativity. So just walk away, make it a priority to feel good because you can feel good.

A lot of times in our society we just accept things, accept life coming at us, accept a job that we don’t want. Some things you just got to do. But I don’t think you have to accept being unhappy, or angry. I don’t think you have to accept that in yourself because you have control over yourself or you should. Something shouldn’t annoy you. I don’t think we are really trained on that, we are not taught how to control our anger or emotions. I don’t blame anyone for that.

Two, know that you can control things that are inside of you.

Breathe. Take a deep breath because that will give you energy and energy will give you access to resources you will be able to think more clearly. So walk away, breathe deep and change your posture.

So many people are bent over, and their shoulders are collapsed and their neck collapses their lungs and they can’t breathe.

If you have your shoulders back and your chest out you have fuller breath.

So breathe, take a deep breath. Put your shoulders back. Stand up. Have good posture and move your body, walk around.

A lot of times it depends, how agitated or annoyed I am will go work out.

That really helps, just getting out of the mindset of being annoyed or angry, going into a new environment and doing something, refocusing yourself. It’s huge!

Get up, move around and make sure you are breathing.

Try those things and do those things and keep doing those things because it’s not be over night.

You didn’t get angry, this has been going on for years and years and you have a lot of emotions build up inside of you so you have to retrain yourself, reprogram yourself to rethink of these things.

Go easy on yourself don’t get annoyed and try these things out. Do them.

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