I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

How To Get Rid of NEGATIVITY

Have you ever noticed that negative emotions play such a huge role in your life?

So whether it's anger, depression, frustration... all these negative emotions, start from the minute your alarm goes off or can't start from the minute your alarm goes off?

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It can just be agitated throughout the day by various things; you’re being late, the dogs, the kids, and whatever is going on with your life.

It can be overwhelming, but then something happened, you get used to it which is actually the worst thing you can do is to accept that this is how it is because it doesn’t have to be that way.

Not everyone lives this way.

A lot of people don’t, a lot of people do probably more people do than don’t but a lot of people have figured it out. Figured out ways to get out of it.

I’ve been hearing maybe you have to think about gratitude, be grateful, do your gratitude’s, write down of five things in the mornings that you’re grateful for.

I don’t know if you’ve done it, you have to sit down and think, take time out of your already busy day start a new habit, right?

I have and I’ve noticed that I can write these things down and it actually makes a difference because after a while you start to notice more positive things than negative things.

It’s like working out, it builds up over time till you notice more and more positive things.

If you stop, it kind of filters back in the negative emotions.

I’m not saying that gratitude or writing down three things in the morning is going to be a saving grace.

I think it’s a part of it, it’s a key, it’s a step towards finding more positive things in your life and focusing on those positive things.

It is basically all about taking your focus that’s on all the negative things, all the things that are things that are going wrong which is kind of a way we are wired.

So changing it from that, to changing it to something positive and the things that are going right and not being so hard on ourselves, taking the negative things, or taking things and seeing them as negative, really just turning our perception around, turn our thoughts around, change our perspective and just look a different direction.

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