I have a Family Science degree (marriage and family therapy, mental health discipline similar to counseling) and a Computer Science degree. I've combined the two degrees to help entrepreneurs with the technical hurdles and the mental roadblocks (focus, performance, health, fitness and energy management).

Why The "Little Things" Matter

Have you ever said, "Oh, it’s a little thing. It doesn’t matter! OR, It’s not that bad!"

I want to ask you. Are you sure it’s not that bad? Are you sure that it’s a little thing?

Click the image for the video.

Because I was coaching somebody recently. I looked back over their history.
They have lot of little things. They were some little things.

They were in a situation where they had to tell somebody the truth. 
It was really, really big thing. And they couldn’t do it.

It’s been six months that they cannot tell this person the truth. 
And they were wondering why they were struggling.
I pointed it out. I asked about their history. The little things. 

And he said, "no, they were little things".
And I go, "yes! I definitely understand that those are little things.
But, you’ve created a habit".

Our lives are made up of little things.
These little things add up.
And they train us for the big things.

So, whether it’s a cookie here and there. 
Or trying to be disciplined in time to get up for businesses.
Or be disciplined going to the gym for at least 20 minutes a day.
Or whatever it is, these little things that seem to be little, are actually training us.

They are super important for when it comes time to deal with the big things.
Because we are training ourselves for this when it happens.
And it’s the things that we say to ourselves. Things that are not that bad!

The negative talk that when we are going to a hard time.
That negative talk really builds up. We get really down, really depressed.

Or when we are trying to work on our business.
And we are not organized. Then we go to our hard time.
Or when something happens and we really have hard time dealing with it.

Because we haven’t started in the beginning with good habits
And I’m not saying, work for perfection. Far from it.
You start where you are. But the next time you think, it’s not that bad.

Ask yourself. What are you teaching yourself? 
Would it be that bad? You keep telling yourself that it’s not that bad? 
Would it be that bad when something big comes up?

I just want to tell you that things happen in our lives that impact us greatly, we have to be ready for those. It’s the little things that do matter. That are very important.
Because little things make up our lives.

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